
K3K Three Kingdoms Review

The mobile SLG 'K3K Three Kingdoms,' currently under development by K3K, is a P2E game based on the eternal classic of the East, the Three Kingdoms. Although labeled as P2E, the core gameplay mechanics of developing one's territory and competing with other players are not drastically different from other mobile SLGs. In fact, one notable feature is that players can enjoy the game without owning NFTs such as tokens and hero NFTs, which are the central elements of P2E games.


In the midst of numerous P2E-based SLGs and Three Kingdoms-themed SLGs, K3K Three Kingdoms emerges. How will the fusion of Three Kingdoms and P2E elements create synergy? Before the official release, let's delve into the core aspect of K3K Three Kingdoms, the tokenomics.



A Dash of "Strategy" Added to Mobile SLG

Synergy of General x Troop Type x Deployment


The game can be divided into three main aspects: internal affairs, general development, and troop formations. Just like other SLGs, internal affairs are crucial in K3K Three Kingdoms. At the initial stage of the game, players start with only the Central Agency, Marketplace, and Farmland for resource collection. Naturally, with this limited infrastructure, engaging in proper battles becomes challenging. Internal affairs must be steady to enable successful military endeavors, hence, one of the first priorities in K3K Three Kingdoms is to develop one's territory.


Territory development is not overly complicated. Players can construct desired buildings in empty spaces within their city. However, it is essential to strategize while building, as the number of available construction spaces is limited compared to the number of buildings one can construct. Haphazard construction may lead to demolishing buildings later to make space for necessary structures, which results in a waste of time and resources. Strategic planning during construction can minimize such inefficiencies.


The strategic aspect of territory development in K3K Three Kingdoms is surprisingly simple and intuitive. From resource collection to troop recruitment and troop type-specific training methods, everything is managed automatically once the required buildings are constructed. If troops are insufficient due to multiple battles, players can build and upgrade barracks to recruit more troops. To train specific troop types, players need to construct training grounds for each type. The troop's attributes also improve with the level of the corresponding training ground.



The combat mechanics in K3K Three Kingdoms are not significantly different from other SLGs. While there may be some differences in presentation, as long as players invest in proper troop development, battles are carried out automatically. Nevertheless, it does not mean that players have no involvement in battles at all. As different troop types have advantages and disadvantages against one another, deciding the composition of troops becomes crucial before engaging in combat.


The composition of troops is achieved through troop formations. Players can decide which generals to use, which troop types to deploy, and how to arrange them. All of these choices have a significant impact on battles. In total, there are ten troop formations, and players can deploy their generals in five of them. Each general possesses various skills, ranging from those that temporarily boost the troop's attributes to those that debuff the enemy's attributes or enhance the attributes of all generals in the faction.



For instance, the skill 'Heir' of the general, Jiang Wei, boosts the attributes of all generals from the Shu Han faction during battle. Therefore, if Jiang Wei is deployed, players should deploy other generals of the Shu Han faction with him.


It's important to note that while generals are crucial, they are more of a supportive element rather than the decisive factor in battles. Their role is more auxiliary. The core elements are troop levels, composition, and deployment. The combat in K3K Three Kingdoms is carried out in a semi-automatic manner, with the troops engaging in battle on their own, and players can intervene by using the generals' skills. This makes the composition and deployment of troops even more critical, as the outcome of battles is already halfway determined based on these decisions.



Familiar P2E Elements in Seasonal Reward Mechanism

Lower Profitability as a Drawback


In the season-based 'K3K Three Kingdoms,' the method of mining TKP tokens is straightforward. Players compete against each other and raise their rankings to earn rewards. By reaching specific ranks, players receive "Tier Rewards" once, and if they climb higher ranks, they receive "Rank Rewards," both of which grant TKP tokens. Considering that Tier Rewards are given as a kind of bonus upon reaching certain ranks, it is the Rank Rewards that serve as the core element of K3K Three Kingdoms tokenomics.


However, this mechanism can be considered problematic for a P2E game. Unlike other P2E games, where the number of tokens earned increases with more time invested, K3K Three Kingdoms solely relies on token rewards from the seasonal rankings. While reaching higher ranks increases the number of tokens rewarded, this is only a small part of the overall rewards.


Simply spending more time in the game does not necessarily guarantee a rise in the rankings, and the amount of tokens earned does not increase in proportion to the time invested. Therefore, from a profitability perspective, K3K Three Kingdoms falls short compared to other P2E games, where players continuously mine tokens over time. Excluding the steady token rewards from climbing the rankings, K3K Three Kingdoms mainly revolves around acquiring valuable generals and selling them as NFTs.



During the OBT phase, P2E elements were not as pronounced, leaving room for improvement in K3K Three Kingdoms tokenomics in the future. A crucial aspect that requires enhancement is the token mining mechanism. While it is conventional to offer token rewards based on rankings, it may not be the most suitable approach for an SLG. After all, isn't competing to seize and be seized the core of this genre? While consistent token acquisition methods are favorable, a mechanism that offers substantial gains based on competition is necessary.


With various P2E-based SLGs already present in the market, K3K Three Kingdoms needs to demonstrate its quality as a new contender. Whether through innovative tokenomics or surpassing rivals with differentiated qualities, it needs to set itself apart to thrive in the competitive landscape.

Inven Global Reporter Inven
July 31, 2023 02:49 AM